Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hi, Guys! It's Aman!

So, if you're reading this, congratulations, guys. I, Aman, have officially set up the Baby Palace Blog. What do you think? Leave a comment! Feel free to check out all the pages and give me a call if you have a question or comment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey, guys! My fake name is Lucy Arden. (This is Aman.)

  3. Hi, Rafa! Sounds great. :) Glad you've figured everything out. What do you think I should add?

  4. Cool. Is there anything I should add to the website? And have you put in your email to the email update box yet?

  5. i don;t know more info on the club

  6. bake sale at 4:50 pm
    covers good food

  7. hey guys guess what i am happy this is rida

  8. hufsa name is spelled with an h at the end like hufsah and sabriyah is spelled like sabriyah

    to aman

  9. u guys ready to rock this bake sale well i am so ready meet u there see u

  10. Hi, everyone! I'll be at the bake sale soon. :) Got the menus planned out and everything.

  11. Hi, Rafa! Do you think it's possible for your mom to pick me up? I mean, it's fine if she can't, but if she can...

  12. oh lucy my moms sleeping so ill ask when she awakes

  13. Okay, sounds great, Emily! Thank you. :)

  14. aman do u have icing we need it urgengly thank u

  15. No, I'm so sorry, we don't. Why, what's wrong?

  16. aman try to look up ingredients for vanilla,choclate,lemon cake pops so we know if a kid is ilergic thanks

    if u can

  17. oh aman its okay weve got it under contoroled we need it for the cake pops

  18. hey guys wazzup for me nothing really u?????? talk later bye

  19. Hey! :) Okay, good news for you, lovelies. I've got our private Baby Palace site up! Hooray! So, let me guide you through how to get on it.

    1) Go to
    2) Click "Join Site." If you don't, it won't let you see anything on the site.
    3) Fill out your information. Fake birthdays are okay.
    4) Congrats! You're in! Check your email to confirm your membership.
    5) Now that you've confirmed your membership, go to the Members page.
    6) Edit your profile. Add a picture, update your wall, whatever. Make sure to add me as a friend. (Don't know how? Go back to the Members page, click on Aman!, and on the left side, choose "add friend" option.)
    7) Go ahead and check out our new website! Make sure to let me know what you think by clicking on Members, clicking on me, and then sending me a message or writing a comment on what you think.

    I can't wait to see what you guys think! If you have any questions, call me anytime at 636-207-1132.

  20. Hi guys! It is Nooriya, I was wondering what you guys were doing, because we are going in like three seconds!

  21. hi ppl well we kinda have bad news we have to shut down baby palace because of our name we have to change it our we can get sued so we have to come up with a totally different name blog me back ~rafa

  22. Hey, Rafa. Okay, so I think we don't have to shut down Baby Palace itself, we just have to change the name--which isn't too hard, right? So, let's gather suggestions. What do you guys think we could call Baby Palace now?
